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Investment Forum 2021 Людям з вадами зору Аа- Аа+
Establishment of a center for beach soccer, volleyball and other beach sports on the island of Dolobetsky
Establishment of a center for beach soccer, volleyball and other beach sports on the island of DolobetskyEstablishment of a center for beach soccer, volleyball and other beach sports on the island of DolobetskyEstablishment of a center for beach soccer, volleyball and other beach sports on the island of Dolobetsky

Establishment of a center for beach soccer, volleyball and other beach sports on the island of Dolobetsky

Project data:

Project discription The project envisages the establishment of a center for beach soccer, volleyball and other beach sports on the island of Dolobetsky
Legal basis Resolution of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) No. 2660 of December 17, 2021
Construction project owner Municipal enterprise for the maintenance of green spaces of the Dniprovskyi district
Preparatory (pre-investment) works Municipal enterprise "Kyiv Investment Agency"
Address Dolobetskyi Island (Hydropark)
Location A plot of land on which a center for beach volleyball, beach soccer and other types of beach sports are planned to be built on Dolobetskyi Island in Kyiv, located on the Dniprovskyi Embankment in the area of the Rusanivskyi Channel in the Dniprovskyi District of Kyiv.
Status the project is included in the list of objects that require investment attraction;
indicative technical and economic indicators and possible pre-project proposals developed;
conditions were approved and announced an investment tender
Next steps determination of the winner of the investment competition
All investment projects