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Investment Forum 2021 Людям з вадами зору Аа- Аа+
Construction of a residential house with social and cultural facilities and underground parking, Including for citizens who were affected by illegal activities of the group of investment and construction companies «Elita-Center»
Construction of a residential house with social and cultural facilities and underground parking, Including for citizens who were affected by illegal activities of the group of investment and construction companies «Elita-Center»Construction of a residential house with social and cultural facilities and underground parking, Including for citizens who were affected by illegal activities of the group of investment and construction companies «Elita-Center»Construction of a residential house with social and cultural facilities and underground parking, Including for citizens who were affected by illegal activities of the group of investment and construction companies «Elita-Center»

Construction of a residential house with social and cultural facilities and underground parking, Including for citizens who were affected by illegal activities of the group of investment and construction companies «Elita-Center»

Project data:


Municipal Enterprise «Kyiv Investment Agency» has been developing the project. The project provides for the construction of a residential building with underground parking and commercial premises. Some of the apartments will be transmitted to citizens who were affected by the illegal activities of the group of investment and construction companies «Elita-Center».


Order of Kyiv City State Administration on 21.08.2006 №1263 «project for the construction of residential house included in the list of objects which need to attract investments».

By the decision of the Kyiv City Council dated February 23, 2017, № 1006/2010 land plot on the Myloslavska street (opposite building 35-39) was provided to the Kyiv Investment Agency for permanent use.


Myloslavska street (in front of the №35-39 houses), Desnyans'kyi district, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Landis is located in a residential area. In walking distance to the nearest bus stop – 5 minutes.


Land plot: 0.3 hа (0.74 acres)

Gross floor area: 7,333.9 sq.m

Living floor area: 4,870.4 sq.m

Commercial area: 650 sq.m

Underground parking (32 parking lots): 840 sq.m

Estimated project budget: UAH 120.3 million.

All investment projects