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Investment Forum 2021 Людям з вадами зору Аа- Аа+
Arrangement of a rope park in Yunist Park in Sviatoshynskyi district
Arrangement of a rope park in Yunist Park in Sviatoshynskyi districtArrangement of a rope park in Yunist Park in Sviatoshynskyi districtArrangement of a rope park in Yunist Park in Sviatoshynskyi district

Arrangement of a rope park in Yunist Park in Sviatoshynskyi district

Project data:

Project description The project envisages the arrangement of a rope park with a children's play complex and outdoor gym. The project is aimed at expanding the scope of sports and entertainment services to residents of Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv, including ensuring proper sports education of youth and children, as well as attracting investment resources into the economy of Kyiv.
Legal framework Order of the Kyiv City State Administration
from June 4, 2021, № 1245
Project implementation customer KP UZN of Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv
Preparatory (pre-investment) works Municipal Enterprise "Kyiv Investment Agency".
Address Yunist Park in Sviatoshynskyi district
Status - project is included in the list of objects that require investment attraction; indicative technical and economic indicators and possible pre-project proposals developed;
 - conditions were approved and announced an investment tender;
 - winner of investment tender has been determined and investment agreement signed
Next steps implementation of the investment project
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