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Investment Forum 2021 Людям з вадами зору Аа- Аа+
Arrangement of a recreation area near Vira Lake, located in Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv
Arrangement of a recreation area near Vira Lake, located in Sviatoshynskyi district of KyivArrangement of a recreation area near Vira Lake, located in Sviatoshynskyi district of KyivArrangement of a recreation area near Vira Lake, located in Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv

Arrangement of a recreation area near Vira Lake, located in Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv

Project data:

Project description The project envisages improvement of the territory near the lake: arrangement of gazebos, volleyball court, playground for table tennis, children's playground, the place for walks with FEM coating, platforms near the reservoir. The project will be implemented without the demolition of greenery and without capital construction. It is planned to install only prefabricated structures without foundations that do not harm natural objects. The investor (winner of the tender) will be obliged to ensure the technical possibility of dismantling all components of the investment object without damaging the green area.
Legal framework Order of the Kyiv City State Administration
of June 14, 2021, № 1337
Project implementation customer KP UZN Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv
Preparatory (pre-investment) works Municipal Enterprise "Kyiv Investment Agency".
Address Vira Lake, Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv
Status - project is included in the list of objects that require investment attraction;
indicative technical and economic indicators and possible pre-project proposals developed;
- preparatory (pre-investment) work is underway to hold an investment tender
Next stepsholding an investment tender
All investment projects