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Investment Forum 2021 Людям з вадами зору Аа- Аа+
RECONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE Municipal non-commercial enterprise «St. Michael Clinical Hospital of Kyiv» with the construction of a garage (parking)
RECONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE Municipal non-commercial enterprise «St. Michael Clinical Hospital of Kyiv» with the construction of a garage (parking)RECONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE Municipal non-commercial enterprise «St. Michael Clinical Hospital of Kyiv» with the construction of a garage (parking)RECONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE Municipal non-commercial enterprise «St. Michael Clinical Hospital of Kyiv» with the construction of a garage (parking)

RECONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE Municipal non-commercial enterprise «St. Michael Clinical Hospital of Kyiv» with the construction of a garage (parking)

Project data:

Project description On the land plot, a passageway of the hospital is located (which will be reconstructed) and a parking lot. The project envisages optimizing the movement of special vehicles and cars.
Legal basis Resolution of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) No. 1737 of November 2, 2020;
Resolution of the Kyiv City Council "On Amendments to the Annex to the Decision of the Kyiv City Council of June 24, 2004 No. 322/1532 "On Approving the List of Objects of Reconstruction, Restoration, and Unfinished Construction Belonging to the Communal Property of the Territorial Community of the City of Kyiv” No. 4352/4393 of February 17, 2022
Construction project owner Municipal non-commercial enterprise «St. Michael Clinical Hospital of Kyiv»
Preparatory (pre-investment) works Municipal enterprise "Kyiv Investment Agency"
Address 39/1 Shovkovychna street, Pecherskyi district
Location The land plot of the project is located in the city center. Proximity to public transport - a 5-minute walk to the minibus stop or Klovska metro station
Status - the project is included in the list of objects that require investment attraction;
- indicative technical and economic indicators and possible pre-project proposals were developed;
- an investment tender was announced
Next steps
determining the winner of the investment tender
All investment projects