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City News
Kyiv will create attractive conditions for investors


Kyiv will create attractive conditions for investors

Involving of investors to development of the city and building of attractive conditions for them is one of the most important issues of realization of the Kyiv city development Strategy until 2025.

For the aim to make Kyivmore attractive and safe city for investment new edition of Kyiv City Development Strategy until 2025 provides the activation of the investment process and introduction of a new scheme of cooperation with investors.

It will simplify the process of investing in different spheres of life activities/ economics of the city and develop the system of preferences and privileges for investors of prioritized industries of city development.

In addition, a new process of investment is going to be developed, this provides the establishment of informational databases municipal needs and assets, formation of a unified public register of investment’s programs and projects.

City authority will pay special attention to providing a competitive and transparent contest within the framework of the choice of investors and patronage will be given.

Nowadays in Kyiv works ‘unified window’. This mechanism of interaction provides the direct organizing of investors' work with the project manager of Kyiv Investment Agency, fixed for each individual project. The manager helps the investor to solve all bureaucratic issues, such as obtaining appropriate approvals, permissions, previous output data, etc.

Due to implemented changes, it is expected to increase cumulative foreign direct investment and increase of the ratio of the number of concluded investment contracts to the number of investment projects included to the list of objects, requiring investment attraction.