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Investment Forum 2021 Людям з вадами зору Аа- Аа+
An amusement park for children on the territory of Vidradniy Park in Solomyansky district
An amusement park for children on the territory of Vidradniy Park in Solomyansky districtAn amusement park for children on the territory of Vidradniy Park in Solomyansky district

An amusement park for children on the territory of Vidradniy Park in Solomyansky district

Project data:

Status:The investment tender is over.
The winner of the investment tender determined.
An investment agreement has been concluded with the investor.
Legal background:Order of the KCSA of October 10, 2019, № 1810
Project owner:KP UZN of Solomyansky district of Kyiv
Preparatory (pre-investment) works:Municipal enterprise "Kyiv Investment Agency"
InvestorIndividual entrepreneur ZAVADKO Dmitrо Gennadiyovich.
The object of investment:arranging an amusement park for children on the territory of Vidradniy Park in Solomyansky district
Project descriptionThe project envisages the construction of a children's amusement park and recreation facilities.
Components of the Investment Object:temporary structures, attractions (rides)
Estimated Total Cost of Installation:UAH 2 792 032.27 
All investment projects