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City News
On 4 July, an auction for the privatisation of the Unified Property Complex of SE Diproverf will be held


On 4 July, an auction for the privatisation of the Unified Property Complex of SE Diproverf will be held

On 4 July, an auction will be held to privatise the Unified Property Complex of the State Enterprise Diproverf, located at 25 Preobrazhenskaya Street. This was reported by the Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv.

The main activity of the state-owned enterprise is engineering, geology and geodesy, provision of technical consulting services in these areas.

Total area of land plots: 0.5495 hectares.

Total area of buildings and structures: 17238.75 sq. m.

Number of employees (as of 31.03.2024): 12 people.

The object of privatisation includes 18 registered units of real estate and infrastructure (production, engineering and utility buildings), 4 units of vehicles.

At the same time, the company's balance sheet includes an object that is not subject to privatisation. It is a civil defence facility - a radiation shelter with a total area of 259.3 sq m.

Registration for the auction is open until 3 July. For more information about the asset, please follow the link: https://bit.ly/4aXhggL.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version).

Source: https://kyivcity.gov.ua/news/News_4_lipnya_vidbudetsya_auktsion_iz_privatizatsi_yedinogo_maynovogo_kompleksu_dp_diproverf/