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Investment Forum 2021 Людям з вадами зору Аа- Аа+
City News
An investment tender is being prepared for the construction of road service facilities


An investment tender is being prepared for the construction of road service facilities

Preparatory work has begun for an investment tender to attract investors to the construction of road service facilities on the Medova street in Solomyansky district according to the Regulations on the procedure for conducting investment tenders, approved by the decision of the Kyiv City Council of May 24, 2007, № 528/1189, and the decisions of the permanent tender commission established by the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) of October 22, 2007, № 1403 (protocols dated November 28, 2016, № 91/2016 and dated December 26, 2016, № 93/2016).

The communal enterprise of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) “Kyiv Investment Agency” has been determined as the customer of construction and the customer of preparatory (pre-investment) works for conducting investment tenders to attract investors.