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City News
The Investment Commission has announced the launch of competitions to involve investors in the implementation of city projects


The Investment Commission has announced the launch of competitions to involve investors in the implementation of city projects

Kyiv's official portal has published an announcement of three tenders to involve investors in the implementation of municipal  projects. In particular, these are the arrangement of an active entertainment and recreation area in the Sviatoshynskyi district and the construction of a car park at 39/1 Shovkovychna Street in Pecherskyi district. This was reported by the Department of Economics and Investments of the Kyiv City State Administration.

The announcements contain information about the investment objects, project customers, the main terms of investment tenders, as well as the terms of concluding contracts with the winners of the tenders. 

The packages of documents for participation in the investment tender - an application for participation in the investment tender, documents to it and bids - must be submitted to the working group at the Department of Economics and Investments by a person who has expressed an intention to participate in the investment tender or an authorised person.

The Department of Economics and Investments of the KCSA emphasises the need to carefully read the terms and conditions of the announced tenders. The package of documents is accepted within 30 days from the date of announcement of the investment tender. The term of the tender starts on the day following the day of the announcement.

The opening of the envelopes with the bids and the selection of the winners will take place during a meeting of the standing committee to involve investors in the implementation of to implement municipal projects. 

Source: https://kyivcity.gov.ua/news/investitsiyna_komisiya_ogolosila_pro_pochatok_konkursiv_po_zaluchennyu_investoriv_do_realizatsi_miskikh_proyektiv/