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Entrepreneurs are invited to dialogue on the PULSE platform


Entrepreneurs are invited to dialogue on the PULSE platform

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine has announced the launch of a beta version of the Pulse platform to collect feedback from businesses. Every entrepreneur can rate the services provided by the state. At the beta testing stage, 22 state authorities can be evaluated, and their number will gradually increase, the Ministry informs.

Pulse - pulse.gov.ua - is an online platform for collecting feedback from businesses on interaction with the state. The goal of the platform is to create a single digital tool for transparent relations between the state and business to improve the quality of public services.

According to the Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko, thanks to this tool, it will be possible to see an objective measurable picture of the quality of public services and respond more efficiently and quickly to the problems of entrepreneurs. For example, if you apply to the tax office, ASC or other authorities and are not satisfied with the quality of services, then you can leave a review on Pulse. Feedback from the business will be digitized and the so-called Entrepreneur Satisfaction Score will be formed on its basis.

The system will have three components – a dashboard, an information window and a personal account, each of which will have its own functionality.

"Pulse" is part of the "Made in Ukraine" policy initiated by the President of Ukraine. The platform was developed by the Ministry of Economy in consultation with specialists from the Business Ombudsman Council and implemented with the assistance of the Ministry of Digital Transformation thanks to the Digital Transformation Support project with the support of USAID and UK Dev.