Kyiv City State
On the land plot, a passageway of the hospital is located (which will be reconstructed) and a parking lot. The project envisages optimizing the movement of special vehicles and cars.
Проєктом передбачається облаштування культурно-мистецького простору «Арт-центр» для проведення культурних івентів різноманітного формату
The project provides the development of a family recreation park with tennis courts, play equipment, sports grounds for recreation and sports for children and adults.
The project envisages the dismantling of a non-functioning tuberculosis hospital and the construction of a new, modern rehabilitation and recreation center in its place
The project envisages the creation of a network of retail trade of food products that enjoy the highest consumer demand in Kyiv
The project envisages the arrangement of a recreation area with sports and recreational facilities on the territory of the "Berezniaky" recreation area in the Dniprovskyi district with the improvement of the surrounding area
The project envisages the demolition of the non-functioning building of the municipal non-commercial enterprise "Kyiv Phthisiopulmonology Center" and the construction of a new medical facility